Hello, my name is Liv, I am 19 years old and this is my first blog post, I am starting with something simple to begin with, I want to see if I can post 2-3 times a week, but don't hold that against me since  I do work full time and study. I will try my best. My friend Amy suggested I made a blog as we've made a joint one together which will be launching really soon, this blog post will be the first of 3 "introductionary" posts just so you guys can learn more about me and what I want to write on this blog.

A - Animals (I love all animals)

B - Blogging (obvi just new to this)

C - Cats (If I can't find me a man, I will live along with cats

D - Dogs (Or dogs)

E - Emily (the name of my best friend)

F - Frankie (the nameof my sister)

G - George (the name of my brother)

H - Happy (the emotion I am feeling right now)

I - Internet (what i spend most of my time on)

J - Justin Bieber (Because I fancy him)

K - Kindle (what I read books on)

L - Lipstick (a make up item I love)

M - Makeup (another thing I love)

N - Nerd (what I am - especially a nerd for Harry Potter)

O - Online shopping (what I do and then cri when i can't afford it)

P - Penguins (my favourite animals)

R - Roo (my favourite disney character - Winnie the Pooh)

S - Space (Something that I am interested in learning more about)

T - Tea (my favourite drink)

Y - You (a netflix series I love)

Z - Zoo (what I love to visit)

Amy's Blog Post

*The photos are from Ivory Mix and I do pay for the subscription every 3 months to be able to use their photos, however you can get 550+ free photos if you type in your email address.*

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